Wednesday, December 5, 2007

It's all about me

Sun in - The place for myspace comments, glitters, graphics, backgrounds and codes

For this reason, Capricorn is often framed as an “ambitious” sign.

Yes and no: psychologically, all Capricorn really refers to is self-discipline and sustained effort.
Even though she has those qualities in abundance, the key is that she feeds herself through exploring and extending them.

And that’s something she can do in a conventional profession…or by spending long hours devotedly learning to play the sitar. To that end, her nature is determined, serious, and driven, no matter where she aims it. Restraints on her focus and concentration are anathema to her.

For committed love really to work for her in the long run, it must support her larger aims rather than detracting from them. No clinging vines need apply, in other words — although if she found herself with one, she’d probably honor the commitment! In real intimacy, she, herself-containment may let her slip into a kind of emotional invisibility or unavailability, and clearly that must be avoided.

Ditto for the perils of simple exhaustion. The good news is that she brings to love the same
inestimable virtues she brings to the rest of her life: integrity, devotion, a capacity to endure the threadbare patches, and unerring realism - The place for myspace comments, glitters, graphics, backgrounds and codes

Confession of Shopacholic - The place for myspace comments, glitters, graphics, backgrounds and codes
isn't it cute...?? ^-^

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Buku yang gue baca

Mencuri waktu di tengah-tengah pekerjaan, (sebenernya emang gak ada kerjaan,,, :p), ada beberapa buku yg udah gue baca dan gue mau buat resensi --> from my point of view,,, tp karena udah kelamaan, gue jadinya lupa sama sekali.

anyway, gue baru mulai nge-blog lagi setelah beberapa lama vakum, kali ini mau gw garap dgn serius n konsisten, dulu itu gue banyak punya blog dimana2, tp gue lupa user name & passwordnya,, smoga kali ini bisa gue inget terus, pengen rasanya bisa modifikasi blog sendiri.

back to work again,,,