Sunday, November 30, 2008

Labels or Love... I luv this song! ^-^

Shopping for labels, shopping for love
Manolo and Louis, it's all I'm thinking of
Shopping for labels, shopping for love
Manolo and Louis, it's all I'm thinking of
I already know what my addiction is
I be looking for labels, I ain't looking for love
I shop for purses while I walk out the door
Don't cry, buy a bag and then get over it
And, I'm not concerned with all the politics
It's a lot of men I know I could find another one.
What I know is that I'm always happy when I walk out the store, store
I'm guessing Supercalifragi-sexy, nothing to be playing with
I love him, hate him, kiss him, diss him, tryna to walk a mile in my kicks

Love's like a runway but which one do I love more
No emotional baggage, just big bags filled with Dior
Love's like a runway, so what's all the fussing for
Let's stop chasing those boys and shop some more
I know I might come off as negative
I be looking for labels, I ain't looking for love
Relationships are often so hard to tame
A Prada dress has never broke my heart before
And, ballin's something that I'm fed up with
I'mma do the damn thing, watch me do the damn thing
Cause I know that my credit card will help me put out the flames
I'm guessing Supercalifragi-sexy, nothing to be playing with
I love him, hate him, kiss him, diss him, tryna to walk a mile in my kicks

Gucci, Fendi, Prada purses, purchasing them finer things
Men they come a dime a dozen, just give me them diamond rings
I'm into a lot of bling, Cadillac, Chanel and Coach
Fellas boast but they can't really handle my female approach
Buying things is hard to say
Rocking Christian Audigier, Manolo, Polo, taking photos in my Cartier
So we can't go all the way, I know you might hate it but
I'm a shop for labels while them ladies lay and wait for love

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Soooo.. Melloowww


Aku termenung menatap senja, nelangsa menyergap hatiku, gundah gulana dirudung nestapa. Tersia-sialah diriku wahai samudera, lihatlah aku yang tengah merana resah gelisah di tapal batas penantian.
Aku berlari dalam ruhku, menggapai ujung pintu keabadian, lihatlah wahai ibunda, aku telah berhasil menggapainya, hanya tinggal nyaris sedikit, aku lolos menerobos masuk ke dalamnya.


Aku terlahir ke dunia sebagai manusia rupawan, laksana peri turun ke permukaan, akulah anugerah terindah yang pernah diciptakan oleh Tuhan, o wahai samudera, akankan diriku abadi nan rupawan...???


Aku menengadah dalam kesendirian, bersujud kehadirat-Mu ya Robbi, inilah diriku yang lemah dalam gundah, duka menyelimuti kalbuku, hancurlah diriku melebur dalam ruhku.


Wahai manusia, akulah sang Dewi Nirwana, bertudung semburat senja, bermandikan cahaya, pemuja keanggunan


Jiwa-jiwa yang hilang kemanakah dia pergi, hatiku terluka menatap kepergiannya, tersialah segala penantianku, hancur lebur bersama sang ruh.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


When all is gone and the story ended
Close the window and let the things left behind
He’s gone to where I don’t belong
I lost him forever and I couldn’t believe it’s true
This could have been in my life and I missed my chance
I’ll find love again but it wont be the same
I feel like crazy now you’re gone
I wish I have a gut to tell that I do care than anyone else
He’ll always own my heart but I wont get hold him or kiss him
I’ll pick up the pieces of my heart but I will never be able to forget the man I loved and lost
All I wanna do is just walk away and nothing to regret
Get my self ready for a brand new day

Monday, July 21, 2008

Me,, writing..??

Aduh gue bingung mau nulis apaan, semua ide yang ada di kepala gue mengalir begitu aja tanpa tau mau ditampung dimana..?? apa benar ya gue punya bakat nulis,, kayanya gue tuh paling ngga demen nulis diary dengan bahasa menyentuh kalbu, gue juga kurang bisa merangkai kalimat dengan baik, mau ngarang skripsi aja muter otaknya sekuat tenaga, sastra pun gue ga suka, tapi ada sih satu karya sastra yang menurut gue baguusss bgts, judulnya “Ayat-ayat Cinta, belum pernah gue membaca mahakarya seindah itu.

Gue sedang mengkaji lebih dalam mengenai bakat yang ada dalam diri gue, kayanya gue memiliki kemampuan dalam menganalisa suatu masalah… mmmm… buktinya gue dapat merangkai kata sebegini banyak, itu sudah merupakan prestasi yang bagus banget buat gue, biasanya kan ga banyak orang yang suka nulis, atau mengalami kesulitan dalam menuangkan pikirannya ke dalam sebuah tulisan, yah paling tidak, meskipun apa yang gue tulis ini sama sekali tidak penting, tapi gue telah menghasilkan sejumlah rangkaian kata yang banyak ini, dan menarik untuk dibaca buat intermezzo tatkala senggang.

Kalo pengarang novel itu kaya apa ya? Mungkin mereka jago ngayal kali ya, kalo gue sendiri susah sih, bercerita dengan lugas seperti penulis lainnya, yang ketika habis mengunjungi suatu tempat, lalu kemudian gue diharuskan untuk menulis tentang laporan perjalanan, kok ya sepertinya apa yang ada di kepala gue tiba-tiba menguap semua, jadi kalo tiba-tiba gue menulis sepanjang ini, maka itu bisa dibilang hebat. Karena gue ngga pernah menulis apapun sebelumnya, apalagi panjang begini.

Gue punya rencana untuk membuat novel, tapi masih bingung, mau mulai dari mana??? Pokoknya novel ini tentang kehidupan si Narcissist. Kenapa begitu.. ya karena gue kurang bisa mengungkapkan keindahan cinta seperti penyair sekaliber Kahlil Gibran, atau sedikit berfilosofi kaya’ novelnya Dewi Lestari itu tuch...

Tapi, sekali lagi nih, gue bilang, gue baru dalam tahap mencoba. mungkin blog ini akan sedikit berantakan, krn gue sendiri masih bingung mau mengkategorikan tulisan ini di bidang puisi, curhatan, review buku, resensi film.. secara semua tulisan disini tumplek bleg jadi satu. intinya sih tuangin aja apa yg ada di kepala gue, yg penting hasrat nulis gue tersampaikan,, ciee...

Friday, June 6, 2008

a penny of my though

When the night comes

I am still here lying in the sand

Watching the fallen stars in the sky

I think about you every waking moment of the day.

Not a second goes by that I don’t think of you.

Every single moment of the day, I think of you,

and as if that’s not enough

Wish you are here right beside me

And never let you go

We both know that love will find a way

And time will tell

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I'm feeling oh so romantic

For the moment spending time with you
In good and bad, happy and sad
And whenever I will be
I get the best feeling when you smile at me
because I know that for just one second I crossed your mind
I hope I love you all my life
Just keep holding on
I know you will always be here for me
And we can make it through
You are my reasons and my answer now

When I wake up in the morning, I see out of the window then ask to myself ;
Why does the sun shine so bright ?
Simply because you always make me feel warm inside.

If I open my eyes and turn my head, I am glad that you are here with me, oh it’s a damn happiness I’ve ever had in my life

When I see you walk by, everything seems to shine again…
Your soul is a sparkling star up in the sky and down here to cheer me up

When I look in your eyes I feel happy again. When I see you smile, I automatically smile myself.
You brighten up my day each time and day as the sun always rises every morning to light the earth

Everyday I sit in the garden and watch a bunch of flowers growth so beautiful and wild, I have a doubt in mind ;

Why a sunflower you ask? Roses are too cliché and predictable.

Roses no longer symbolize true love because where ever you go, whoever you meet, on whatever occasion, a rose is always given.

Whereas a sunflower... a sunflower is pure beauty and pure, true love

I will see sunflowers when I think of cheesy as this may sound, it is true. I admire you. I love you. Heck! I even worship you!"

True love is not an easy thing to find so I wont pick the sunflower, let it grow as much as it can be inside our hearts

I do believe our true love will remain eternal if it growth in pure and natural way

no matter what happens in our book of life

And even if one of us dies, or both of us,

I want our true love to survive and last forever

Monday, February 18, 2008

My Poem

I love you with the passion of a thousand burning suns,
I want to be at your side until all the stars have faded
and I want you to be guardian angel for all the rest of my life
who always there and be the one when i needed most
catch me when I fall, hold me when I down
and be my shoulder to cry on